
Consulting Services

We provide estimates of wind and wave load on structures, establisment of MetOcean conditions, wave run-up predictions on structures and coast, conceptual design of marine & coastal structures, structural vibration assessment, etc. See our list of consulting service themes, former projects and past work

Wave loads, impact/slamming forces, and run-up

Estimation of wave/wind load and wave run-up on structures and beaches are carried out on a theoretical basis and/or numerical modelling, model scale testing and/or full-scale data calibrations.

Structural design & concept development

We develop structural concepts in wind & wave environment. For many years, numerous offshore substructures have been designed in seas worldwide. In recent years, our work load in renewable wind and wave energy sector have increased.

Design solutions with dampers

We perform structural dynamic calculations and undertake structural vibration assessment incl. evaluations of the risk of vortex induced vibrations. When necessary,  we further implement dampers into structures with vibrations problems, e.g., tuned mass dampers or tuned liquid dampers.